What is Home Staging and how it can help to sell a home

You are about to start a new life in a home that will be a turning point and you want everything to be according to your tastes and needs.

However, before buying a home on the Costa del Sol or elsewhere in Spain, you need to know how it will be laid out, how its rooms will look, or how it might look once it is furnished.

Surely, the first thing you will come across is the term home staging, a marketing technique that has become fashionable in recent years.

And you might be wondering: What is home staging? Well, read on!
We are going to explain everything you need to know about home staging and how it is applied to what could be your future home.

Origin of Home Staging

Home staging is a set of marketing techniques whose main objective is to make the most of a property’s features to attract the largest possible number of buyers.

Home staging would be like “preparing the house” to be rented or sold.

The technique of home staging started to become popular in Spain after the great crisis of 2008, with the need to sell homes as quickly as possible.

However, this set of actions was born in 1972 in the United States thanks to Barb Schwarz, interior designer and creator of the Home Staging methodology.

There is even a profession dedicated to it!

It is called Home Stager, and the majority of Americans have requested the services of a professional to prepare the property for a sale and purchase process, either privately or through an agency.

Decorating and Home Staging, is it the same thing?

At this point, it would not be strange to think that home staging and decorating a house are the same thing.

But here’s the best part: they have nothing to do with each other.

It is true that both terms have common characteristics, but the purpose of each one is totally different.

Main differences between home staging and decoration

·       The decoration of a home is done with personal tastes in mind, whereas home staging is aimed at a potential mass audience.

·       With home staging, we want to show the house in a neutral tone, to encourage the imagination of the prospective buyer and not influence their perception.

·       When we want to decorate, we buy a type of furniture according to our tastes, whereas with home staging we make the most of what we have in our home, without having to buy anything.

Advantages and benefits of Home Staging

Focusing again on home staging, we will now review its many advantages, as they are beneficial for both real estate agencies and property owners:

·       Agencies will be able to sell housing faster for the agreed price

·       Prospective buyers will get a fully arranged and tidy house.

·       If done privately, by investing in your home, it is possible to significantly increase its value in the market.

·       Home Staging is not only used for homes, it can also be used in premises, shops, offices, etc.

·       The potential profit you can make after selling the property is greater than the investment for home staging.

10 techniques and tips for using Home Staging

We have already seen the positive advantages of home staging when selling a house/premises/property.

These are 10 techniques to apply to prepare the house for sale. If you are thinking of using Home Staging take note:

1.       Avoiding personalisation

When preparing a home for sale, we will have to get rid of decorative elements of our own, such as family photos or paintings. We want buyers to imagine themselves living in it, so it is advisable to use a more neutral decoration.

2.  No empty room…

When we are taking photos, we always want to show the rooms as empty as possible to give a great feeling of spaciousness. However, we should use the furniture in the home so that clients can see the actual dimensions with furniture to get a much clearer idea.

3.  … But without much furniture

When we are taking photos, we always want to show the rooms as empty as possible to give a great feeling of spaciousness. However, we should use the furniture in the home so that clients can see the actual dimensions with furniture to get a much clearer idea.

4.  Ventilate your home

When you are visited by potential buyers, be sure to freshen the air in the different rooms for 10 minutes. In addition, it is advisable to use different tricks to make your house smell nice, such as using air fresheners or essential oil diffusers.

5.  Simulates the rooms

As we have already mentioned, it is not necessary to invest to buy new furniture. When it comes to taking photographs, we should take advantage of all the resources in our home or, if necessary, buy cheap furniture. The aim is to simulate the different rooms so that the clients get an idea of the dimensions of the home without making them look empty.

6.  Keep an eye on lighting

Another point to take into account is the lighting. It is very important to show the rooms in a well-lit manner, so it is advisable not to take any photos or visit buyers on rainy or cloudy days.

7.  Make the most of outdoor spaces

If you have a terrace, balcony or garden, it’s an added value to your home that will score points when it comes to attracting potential customers. Be sure to give it a thorough cleaning and add furniture such as chairs and tables to create a pleasant comfort zone that will spark the imagination of buyers.

8.  Repairs and fixes

Haz un repaso de inmobiliario de tu hogar para descubrir pequeñas imperfecciones que puedan existir para arreglarlo lo más rápido posible. Observa los grifos, baños, ventanas, lámparas, armarios, puertas, etc.

9.  Take a tour of the house

It’s not just good photographs that are enough to attract, but also the experience of the prospective buyer when visiting the property. Try to plan a small tour of the house, going through each room and creating something unique and different in each room. One idea could be to decorate each room with a different scent to create different sensations.

10.  A video is worth 1000 pictures

Si eres una persona creativa, y manejas la edición y el montaje, un buen vídeo puede atraer a muchísimos compradores. Destaca los puntos fuertes de tu hogar y asegúrate de que el vídeo tenga una buena calidad, ya que, de lo contrario, crearás una mala sensación en los clientes.

Want more tips and tricks?

Well, we recommend you this talk by Anna García, a well-known professional in the real estate sector.

Qué es el Home Staging para habitación

How much does home staging cost?

It is possible that, after reading about the different techniques and tools for home staging, you may want to know what the average price is to be able to do it.

The first thing you should know is that there is no fixed price, as it will depend on who is going to make the necessary changes.

If you are going to be the person in charge of cleaning, painting, repairing, buying and distributing the furniture and taking the photographs, it ranges between €100 and €1,000.

If, on the other hand, you are going to hire a home stager and you need to renovate several rooms with the help of professionals, it would be around €15,000 – €20,000.

Now you know everything you need to know about home staging.

We hope you have found it useful to get the most out of your home to prepare it for sale.

Let us know in the comments if you knew about home staging or any extra tips, we will be happy to read them.

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